The Goals:
This intensive five-day programme will help you to learn how to:
- Develop the three key strategic agendas for leaders – Intellectual, Managerial and Behavioural.
- Enhance and improve your own and your organisations strategic thinking and ability to envision powerful strategic futures.
- Generate and support effective strategic thinking at all levels in the organisation.
- Identify the most effective balance of Operational Excellence and Breakthrough Strategic Performance.
- Identify critical strategic issues and opportunities.
- Prioritise issues based on their capacity to enable real value creation.
- Lead and motivate teams and businesses in diverse, turbulent and complex environments.
The Benefits:
Following completion of this unit, you will know:
- Interpret the internal and external forces shaping the future.
- Develop an effective strategic roadmap through a clear vision and statement of strategic intent.
- Identify the competencies and capabilities of strategically agile and effective organisations.
- Recognise your own strategic leadership style, and the styles of others – and match leadership styles to the strategic necessities of the roadmap.
- Effectively prepare and guide your organisation, unit or team towards the vision.
- Motivate people towards the strategic ‘light on the hill’!
- Command respect.
The Results:
This unit has been designed to assist you to develop your ability and capabilities to:
- Think strategically about your organisation’s future.
- Identify strategically important issues and opportunities.
- Interpret and identify the strategic implications affecting the organisation now and likely to impact on the organisation’s future.
- Clearly articulate a strategic vision and a statement of strategic intent.
- Your skills in translating strategic vision into a clear roadmap for the organisation/ unit / team’s future.
- Identify the mindsets and behaviours needed to achieve the vision and follow the roadmap.
- Identify and communicate clear strategic implementation plans and practices.
- Develop your own strategic leadership styles.
- Develop leadership within others in your own organisation, unit or team.
- Motivate people to achieve breakthrough performances.
The Core Competencies:
This unit will assist you to understand and enhance your strategic behaviours around:
- Analytical strategic thinking.
- Strategic visioning and articulating plausible futures for an organisation, unit or team.
- Communicating strategic intent and a strategic roadmap.
- Effective implementation planning.
- Structuring effective strategic teams and systems.
- Displaying strategic leadership.
- Balancing the demands for performance and strategic longer-term success.
- Developing strategic leadership throughout units and teams.
- Motivating and influencing people to achieve strategic success.
- Allocating hard and soft resources to the places which will have maximum strategic impact.
Day 1: Understanding The Strategic Environment
- Understanding the strategic leadership agenda – intellect, management and behaviours.
- Recognising and interpreting forces in the strategic environment.
- Analysing and prioritising strategic issues.
- Formulating strategic vision and expressing strategic intent.
- Developing a strategic roadmap.
Day 2: Understanding Strategic Models and Paradigms
- The strategic journey – common models and frameworks for strategic thinking (from Ansoff to Hamel via Porter and Mintzberg).
- Identifying strategic horizons and using the 7S framework.
- Recognising and developing the characteristics of strategic agility.
- Understanding Strategic Competences and Skills.
- Leveraging Strategic Competences.
Day 3: Effective Strategic Implementation
- Strategic implementation tools and frameworks.
- Structures and systems for strategic agility and performance.
- Monitoring and adjustment.
- Measurement, Analysis.
- Knowledge Management.
Day 4: Strategic Leadership
- Preparing for the future.
- Effective styles and practices for strategic leadership.
- Recognising, analysing and developing the strategic leadership styles used by you and others.
- Developing inspiration and motivation.
- Communicating the roadmap and gathering support.
Day 5: Driving Strategic Performance & Success
- Transforming the organisation to enable strategic success.
- Balancing the focus on performance and strategy.
- Spreading leadership capabilities throughout the organisation.
- Maximising organisational learning and knowledge transfer to embed strategic success.
- Case-Study and program’s summary.