Effective Time Management and Stress Reduction at Work.
PIK99-1225 LON-2


In an ever-increasing pace of Life and Business, it becomes even more important to remove stress and operate with heightened sensory acuity. Firstly, most people deny that they are stressed or affected by internal or external factors.Secondly, the most important thing that you have is not Money or other things, it is TIME, You can’t save it, you can’t stop it, and you will run out of it so why not learn how to use it properly. As the cost of stress to the employer continues to grow, organizations must recognize stress in their employees and train management to manage stress productively. A recent survey showed that 1 in 5 people report their work to be very or extremely stressful, citing the nature of their work, relationships at work or their employer as the cause.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 14-12-2025 - 29-12-2025
  • Duration 2 Weeks
  • Price £5,550.00

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