PIK512-1225 LON-2


This training program is a must-have class introducing the fundamentals of the interconnection between the Government’s public policies and all stakeholders. Being the main instrument to respond to diverse public challenges, there appear to be an increase in quantity and complexity that this course tries to address. This program provides participants with a general overview of the topic divided into two modules: 1. Module 1 addresses Government’s public policy analysis and focus on introducing the various approaches to policymaking, including public policy theories, ideologies and contexts thus having a better understanding of what governments do. 2. Module 2 identifies the underlying best practices in PPP formats (Public-Private-Partnership) and how they have evolved in this process The concept of PPP obligates a more collaborative relationship between both sectors, fostered by openness and trust. This presents a major shift from the traditional arms-length approach to procuring services and executing projects. Well designed, feasible relationships between the government and all the stakeholders attract greater interest amongst potential investors and demonstrate the potential benefits to moving forward.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 16-12-2025 - 29-12-2025
  • Duration 2 Weeks
  • Price £5,550.00

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