Excellence in Leadership Management - LEVEL 2
PIK584-0325 BGK-TH-2


In this level-2 program of "Excellence in Leadership Management," delegates will gain insights into discovering the ability to recognise potential and create an atmosphere of empowerment and support. A key aspect of this level-2 is to encourage delegates to practice self-leadership skills through a strong sense of self-awareness and understanding of the importance of strategy analysis and strategy mapping. The tremendous progress in strategy science in recent years has been due to the innovative ideas presented by the leader managers to increase the competitiveness of their organisations from the perspective of the customers, shareholders, employees, and society in general. As well as the efforts of the researchers and experts who follow and monitor the strategic movements of the leading organisations and then try to apply them in practice and organise them in a way that can be used to orient the future and its challenges and to develop and move the events to meet these challenges and new global transformations.

Price Details

  • Location Bangkok
  • Languages English
  • Date 17-03-2025 - 28-03-2025
  • Duration 2 Weeks
  • Price £5,750.00

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