At the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Read and understand their organisation’s Annual Financial Report.
- Evaluate their firm's financial performance.
- Understand and use analytical tools and techniques in practical case-study situations.
- Identify business risks, and consider how these should be managed.
- Appreciate the importance of new investments in maintaining growth and competitiveness, and how these investments should be evaluated.
- Improve their management skills and increase their value to the organization.
- Understand capital investment decisions.
The course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures, case studies and interactive worked examples. Relevant case studies will be provided to illustrate the application of each tool in an operations environment. Each learning point will be re-inforced with practical exercises. Discussion in groups will promote exchange of concepts and ideas.
Organisational Impact
What will your organisation gain from sending employees to attend this course?
- Awareness of the relevance and importance of financial statements.
- Understanding of the tools and techniques that can monitor and improve performance.
- Ability to identify problem areas, and suggest realistic solutions.
- Ability to identify and analyse financial risks, and how these can be effectively managed.
- The financial knowledge to make better, more informed, decisions.
Personal Impact
What will the employee gain from attending this course?
- Exchange of ideas and knowledge with other professionals.
- Increased awareness of techniques in financial analysis and capital appraisal.
- Better understanding of the language of finance and accounting.
- Knowledge and understanding of business risk.
- Increased ability to identify problem areas.
- Increased confidence to tackle new situations.
Day 1: IT strategy Framework
- IT applications.
- Security & Architecture.
- Issues in formulating IT strategy to meet organisational needs.
- Current themes and the new trends in the digital environment.
- The IT strategy framework.
Day 2: On-Demand Utility Computing
- Using Cloud Technology for Data Processing.
- Benefits of Cloud Computing (SaaS, IaaS & PaaS).
- Cloud Issues: Security, Confidentiality, Performance,
- Limitations of Big data & Content.
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA).
Day 3: IT in managing day-to-day activities
- What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and why is it important?
- Cloud ERP, On-Premise ERP and Hybrid ERP.
- ERP applications (Accounting, Procurement, Project Management, Risk Management and Compliance, Supply Chain Operations).
- ERP benefits.
- ERP limitations.
Day 4: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- What is CRM and what is it functionality.
- The five (5) key stages in the CRM cycle.
- Types of Customer Relationships.
- Selecting and specifying your CRM.
- The 5 Cs in CRM: Compensation, Culture, Communication, Compassion & Care.
Day 5: Using the web and social media for competitive gain
- Pro-active use of social media.
- Analysis of tweets and social media.
- Dealing with big data.
- The 5 Vs in Big Data: volume, value, variety, velocity & veracity.
- BI and data-mining analysis of marketing and selling data.
PLACE: London (UK)
VENUE (TBC): INDUSTRIOUS (1 and 2, 245 Hammersmith Road Floors, London W6 8PW)