Management Skills in Compensation and Benefits
PIK44-1225 LON-1


In all organisations the Human Resource is the greatest expense, so it is important that the administration of Compensation and Benefits is of the highest quality. Well trained Remuneration staff are able to monitor the systems in place and add a strategic perspective. This exciting new program looks at the basic building blocks of effective benefits administration and then goes on to explore the Strategic dimensions - how the whole process can add ‘value for money’ and help the organisation achieve its objectives. The Strategic dimension will focus on the current strategic issues facing organisations today – how to design strategy to cope with change in the societal setting and how to cope with change in the organisational context. We will look at the question of how organisations can encourage participation and engagement and still achieve organisational objectives and profitability. Delegates can expect to develop a ‘toolkit’ of useful practices that will allow them to scrutinize the existing practices in their organisations and compare them to current good practice.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 22-12-2025 - 29-12-2025
  • Duration 1 Week
  • Price £4,550.00

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