The Goals
- As a result of attending this workshop delegates will have developed a clearer understanding of Reward philosophy and strategy.
- Have a better understanding of how the component parts of reward strategy fit together.
- To explore some of the issues surrounding the effective management of the human resource.
- To understand why ‘staff’ are the most expensive resource of the organisation.
- To evaluate ‘new’ practices that might benefit your organization.
The Benefits
For delegates to be able to contribute effectively to the compensation and benefits practice and strategy in their organization.
Delegates will be:
- More effective, and contribute more to the what and how of reward management.
- Have a firm methodological underpinning of compensation and benefit management.
- Clearer about what a Benefits strategy should look like and contain.
- And how to develop an appropriate benefits strategy.
The Results
- Delegates will be better able to contribute more strongly on how to distribute reward.
- Delegates will be able to use tools and techniques to help mangers be more effective in remuneration planning and strategy.
- Delegates will have discussed and practiced some key approaches to strategic design.
- Delegates will be better able to contribute more strongly on how to distribute reward.
The Core Competencies
- Reward management.
- Compensation and benefits.
- Strategic design.
- Problem solving.
- Self – development.
Day 1: Compensation and Benefits - Good Organizational Practice
- Philosophy of reward.
- Pay structures and systems.
- The psychological contract.
- Reward strategies.
- Job grades.
- Career mapping.
- Job evaluation.
- Pay surveys.
Day 2: Compensation and Benefits - in Context
- Performance management.
- Competency frameworks.
- Performance related pay.
- Money and motivation.
- Team rewards.
- Upward appraisal.
- 360 appraisal.
- Contingent pay.
Day 3: Equality and Diversity
- Recognition schemes.
- Discrimination and diversity. Equal pay.
- Equal pay audits.
- Job analysis.
- The changing context and nature of the employment relationship.
Day 4: Employee Involvement
- Employee engagement.
- Employee participation.
- Trades Unions and Works Councils.
- Consultation.
Day 5: Current Good Practice
- Flexible benefits.
- National minimum wage.
- Sales staff.
- Profit sharing.
- Case study.
- Review of learning.
- Action planning.
PLACE: London (UK)
VENUE (TBC): INDUSTRIOUS (1 and 2, 245 Hammersmith Road Floors, London W6 8PW)