Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:
- Understand roles and responsibilities to be followed for medication reminders, medication assistance, and medication administration.
- Being familiar with the skills and knowledge needed for medication administration.
- Ensure safe medication administration discussing the current health care delivery system as it relates to the economics, accessibility, and overall health of the population.
Unit 1: An overview of hospitals and the health-care system
- Statistics on the global health-care system.
- Challenges of health and hospital administration in the new millennium.
- Administration of hospital services.
- Administration of out-patient services.
- Individual Exercise.
Unit 2: Internal Management of the hospitals (1/2)
- Ward administration.
- Administration of operation theatres.
- Nursing Services (outpatients).
- Nursing Services (inpatients).
- Individual Exercise.
Unit 3: Internal Management of the hospitals (2/2)
- Records management.
- Material management.
- Manpower planning.
- Ethics of the health-care industry.
- Groups Exercise.
Unit 4: Quality and Acts
- Quality control.
- Doctor/Nurse patient relationship.
- Doctors and consumer protection act.
- Nurses protection act.
- Referral systems.
Unit 5: Promoting prevention in hospitals
- Hospital and private practice.
- Hospital administration during a disaster.
- Reproductive and child health services.
- Promoting health through hospitals.
- Case-Study.
Unit 6: Strategic Management
- Strategic management in healthcare
- Developing a mission and vision statement.
- Strategic Management steps.
- Developing a marketing strategy.
- Positioning the hospital for quality.
Unit 7: Hospital Organisational Structure
- Understanding the US and other global organisational structures.
- Managing and leading in complex organisations.
- Teamwork in healthcare settings.
- Groups Exercise.
- Groups Discussion.
Unit 8: Financial Management and Forecasting in the Healthcare Industry
- The organisational structure and responsibilities of hospital cost centres.
- Department and individual cost centres.
- Evaluation methods.
- The convergence of cost accounting.
- Financial accounting & Insurance.
Unit 9: Hospital Human Resource Management
- Hospital strategic human resource management.
- Developing core values and human resource management.
- Understanding human resource management systems.
- Developing human resource incentives.
- Control mechanisms.
Unit 10 : Medical Service Quality Management and Improvement
- Quality of medical services management.
- Performance tracking and incentives.
- Healthcare quality management methods and common tools.
- Emergency preparedness and crisis management.
- Course Wrap-Up.