Modern Skills in Digital Filing and Archiving.
PIK93-1225 LON-1


In a world crowded with knowledge and information as well as the challenges facing the world of informatics in terms of information organization and classification and documentation in various vessels and facilitate mechanisms to access them in a timely manner and in a world where modern technology steps amazing and fast to help individuals and institutions in information management. Information is no longer just a kind of luxury, which boasts communities or organizations, but has become a cornerstone in the development of society and achieve the desired well-being. ICT has entered all fields of social and human sciences. Fundamental to the maximization of human thought and mind computers, networks, and means of modern communication and artificial intelligence and systems of expertise.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 22-12-2025 - 26-12-2025
  • Duration 1 Week
  • Price £4,750.00

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