PIK71-1225 LON-1


The critical importance of effective and appropriate contract drafting catered to the specific needs of the particular business and situation cannot be emphasized enough. Robust contracts identify and minimize risk for the organisation and ensure that projects and procurement are carried out efficiently and without costly disputes. All too frequently contract wording used is not properly understood which ultimately detrimentally affects the performance of the project and even possibly leads to contract failure. Procurement and tendering have become increasingly sophisticated but all individuals need to be aware of the current and best practices adopted by some of the major international corporations in order to increase the effectiveness of their own procedures. This course will assist all individuals in dealing with such contract wording and procedures in order to maximize the benefits to the organisation and reduce risks. Course highlights include: • Examine the legal effectiveness and formation of contracts. • Assessing the appropriate contract type and tender process. • Key contract clauses focusing on risk, remedies and insurance. • Securing performance of a party’s obligations. • Appropriate dispute resolution and dispute avoidance.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 22-12-2025 - 29-12-2025
  • Duration 1 Week
  • Price £4,950.00

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