The Goals
This powerful programme will help you to learn how:
- To empower and enable you, to develop in the areas of personal effectiveness, and character empowerment, that is required in today’s Global economy.
- To build these empowerment skills into achieving excellence in every area of personal and corporate life.
- To highlight the 90% “People Factor”, in contrast with the 10% “Performance Factor.”
- To equip and maximise your potential, develop positive habits, and thus increase your productivity, in the work force.
The Benefits
Following completion of this unit, you will know:
- How to be more disciplined and personally effective.
- What empowers and what disempowers a person.
- How to build a positive work environment.
- How to understand teleological thinking.
- How to move from the negative cycle and into the positive success mode.
- How to release a new drive and motivation into your life and work environment.
- How to empower your life for positive results.
The Results
- Understanding the significance of your self-image.
- Understanding the 6 basic psychological needs of man.
- Knowing how to control and discipline your mind.
- Discovering how to bring personal character change.
- Building up a positive inner belief system.
- Knowing how to practice effective interpersonal relationship skills.
- How to practice having a positive mental attitude.
- Practicing positive word empowerment.
- Working and developing a transformational vocabulary.
- Implementing a proactive life style.
The Core Competencies
- Knowing how to direct your conscious and subconscious mind.
- Learn how to overcome negative thinking and a restrictive past.
- Developing an improved self-image.
- Increasing your personal confidence.
- Develop a daily, disciplined life style.
- Practicing mirror motivation every day.
- Practice speaking our positive and encouraging words.
- Increase showing appreciation to others.
- Learning to develop a positive mental attitude.
- Become proactive conscious.
Day 1: Mind Empowerment
- Understand the power of your conscious subconscious mind.
- Realise the power of your imagination.
- Understand the significance of teleological thinking.
- How to deal with disempowering thinking.
- How to use the Replacement Principle and create a disciplined character.
Day 2: Self-Image Empowerment
- Discover the one prime cause for success or failure in life.
- Know the power of discovering your self-image.
- Discover the power of choice and how to build your self-esteem?
- See what creates your Screen of reality and how do you see yourself?
- How do you process an event?
Day 3: Attitude Empowerment
- What does “attitude” really mean?
- What is the 85% x 15% attitude success factor?
- Listen to, and read daily motivational materials.
- Enjoy the medicine of real laughter.
- How to create a disciplined character.
Day 4: Word Empowerment
- Learn what sort of words really encourage and build up people.
- One of the six basic psychological needs of man.
- Why is appreciation so important?
- Learn how to express appreciation in a variety of ways.
- Learn how to make appreciation a vital part of your life.
Day 5: Motivation Empowerment
- What happens when you are personally motivated?
- Find out the key factor in a surveyed 100 “most successful business persons in the world”
- Discover the medical findings and physiological impact that motivation brings to the body.
- Learn the 3 major steps of motivation empowerment.
- Develop and proactive life style.
Language: English.
Place: New- York (USA)
Venue: TBC