Positive Skills for Personal Effectiveness.
PIK97-0825 LON-1


One of the major keys to success in the business world is being able to apply “discipline” to your live and actions! This is the key to developing personal effectiveness and professional excellence. As S. N. Bremer said, “Self-mastery is the greatest task to which man has ever set his hand to. Self-development, can be achieved only after we resolve to control our self, through the operation and control of our thoughts.” Aldus Huxley said, “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that is your OWN SELF!” Whether you realise it or not, you carry within yourself, a mental blue print and picture of you. All of our actions, feelings, behaviour, and even our abilities, are consistent with the self – image, we hold of ourselves. Your self-image is either your life handicap, or your auto-pilot for success! Denis Waitley, the well-known motivational speaker and top performance trainer, sums it all up, when he says – “Ultimately, what shapes our self-image, is not so much what happens to us, as what happens in us! Perhaps more than any other quality, a healthy self-esteem, is the door to high achievement and happiness.” This program is designed, to prepare and equip each person, with the discipline, positive mind set, and motivation, to maximise their incredible personal potential!

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 25-08-2025 - 29-08-2025
  • Duration 1 Week
  • Price £4,550.00

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