PIK508-0126 LON-1


COURSE DESCRIPTION IT (Information Technology) is known as the science of the era and the science of the future and it includes many areas such as data storage, programming, cyber-crime & cyber-security, data processing, networks, system analysis, cloud technology…etc. through IT, all information in various fields and specialities had become available to everyone. IT is based on the enormous ability to process, store and retrieve data in a secure and convenient manner, fast and cheaper. There are a lot of training courses in the field of IT due to the importance of this science in our lives and on all social, health, economic and engineering levels. This science does not stop at a certain limit! It is evolving and constantly developing our lives. Our 6 days training program addresses this very last statement.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 12-01-2026 - 17-01-2026
  • Duration 1 Week
  • Price £4,950.00

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