Day 1: Role and functions of PM (Project Management)
- Introduction.
- Summary of the role and function.
- Aligning projects with business strategy.
- The project roadmap.
- Key challenges for project managers.
Day 2: Building, Managing and Motivating the Project Team
- Recruiting and developing the project manager.
- Other project team roles.
- Importance of role clarity.
- Resolving team conflict.
- Motivating team members.
Day 3: Resource Allocation
- Information from the project plan.
- Resource storage.
- Resource aggregation.
- Multi-project planning.
- Summary.
Day 4: Stakeholders’ Relationship Building
- Defining your project’s main clients and suppliers.
- Become a trusted advisor to your clients and suppliers.
- Using advanced influencing skills for an effective communication.
- Selling across different cultures, code and practices.
- Making a plan to increase loyalty and profitability.
Day 5: Role of the Procurement Function
- Key responsibilities.
- Supporting operational requirements.
- Managing supplier relationships.
- Supporting strategic goals.
- Detecting and preventing fraud.
Day 6: Managing the Purchasing Process
- Making the case to purchase.
- Deciding the procurement strategy.
- Advertising the contract.
- Generating interest.
- Running the competitive cycle.
Day 7: Managing Supplier Performance
- First steps to management after contract award.
- Building the supplier relationship.
- Developing KPIs to monitor your project.
- Developing KPIs to improve your project.
- Linking compensation to contract performance.
Day 8: Managing Tender Requests and Responses:
- Capturing user requirements.
- Documenting the scope of work.
- Output-based specifications.
- Evaluating tender responses.
- Further competitive activity.
Day 9: Creating appropriate Contract Documentation
- Principles of contract law.
- Drafting your terms and conditions.
- Managing risk through the contract.
- What is a contract dispute?
- Alternative dispute resolution methods.
Day 10: Government Relationship and CSR Perspectives
- The politics of CSR.
- Crating shared value.
- Ethical consumerism.
- Government expectations and applying CSR in non-corporate organization.
- Future requirements for CSR.