Stakeholders' Management for Project Management
PIK132-1125 LON-2


In the days of the Pharaohs, projects were undertaken with probably only one or two objectives in mind. In the case of the pyramids, the primary objective was to effect a fitting monument to the house the Pharaoh after death, the longevity and quality of the building being paramount. There was a time constraint; it was important for the mausoleum to be completed before the Pharaoh’s demise. Cost was of little significance and resources, especially manpower, were freely available in every sense. Since that time there has been a continual problem of completing projects, large or small, on time and within budget. In mediaeval times the unfortunate architect of Warwick castle was hanged for exceeding his budget by a small amount. Even though the terms “stakeholder” was not used at that time, but maintaining a good and effective relationship with owners of the project and all parties with an interest in it has always been a necessity. Projects failures and success and in addition to overcoming its limitations, also relies much on satisfying and meeting stakeholders expectations. This training program will answer to this important element and will focus on needs and wants of stakeholders in Projects Management.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English,Arabic
  • Date 03-11-2025 - 14-11-2025
  • Duration 2 Weeks
  • Price £5,550.00

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