At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Summarise the main theories surrounding the development of effective HR strategies.
- Practice using new techniques to transform any training activity.
- Develop an understanding of human resources development and personnel management practices.
- Develop awareness of the advantages of effective human resource management.
- Set up and effectively measure any element of delivered training & be able to demonstrate training efficiency.
- Produce hard data on training effectiveness & individual application.
- Know how to critically evaluate current HR practices?
- Introduce an effective recruitment process.
- Understand how to get employees to work more effectively.
- Learn from practices in top companies that surpass “Best Practice”.
- HR Personnel.
- Training Managers & Training Personnel.
- Training Budget Holders.
- Succession Planners & those responsible for People Development.
- HR Practitioners & Line-Professionals.
- Professionals with an interest in People Management & Development.
Unit 1: Resourcing & Recruitment
- The employment psychological contract.
- The process approach to interviewing.
- Induction, job descriptions, and references.
- Personality Questionnaires and forms of testing.
- The new recruitment process to avoid litigation.
Day 2: The New Process of Interviewing - New Approach, New Results
- STEP 1: Jobs descriptions and terms of reference their role in the process.
- Putting the criteria behavioural map together - what is criteria?
- STEP 2: Practice exercise gathering criteria information for future use - creating the job advert.
- Practice exercise -putting steps 1 & 2 into action.
- STEP 3: New approach to shortlisting – how to save lots of time.
Day 3: Testing, Personality Profiling and Assessment Centres
- STEP 4: Testing – the three groups of testing - why do we need testing?
- Psychometric Test Vs Occupational tests - latest advancements.
- Design and use of local ability test - practical example - group exercise.
- Other testing you may want to consider - examples.
- STEP 5: Personality profiling - advances in profiling - from “Type” profile to occupational profiles.
Day 4: Questioning Techniques and Observing Body Language
- STEP 6: The new approach to interview questions.
- Starting the interview correctly - practice in groups.
- How many people on the interview panel to make questioning meaningful?
- STEP 7: design and layout of the interview room.
- STEP 8 How to use body language - practical examples and demonstrations.
Day 5: Putting Interviewing Skill into Practice
- The real cost of bad interviewing.
- Practical interview - Interview 1.
- Practical Interview - Interview 2.
- Practical interview - Interview 3.
- Making the final selections and necessary professional actions.
Day 6: Training Learning & Development:
- Career management & Personal development.
- Coaching, Mentoring & E-learning.
- How flat organisational structures affect training & development.
- Self-Development.
- 360-degree feedback as a development tool.
Day 7: How People Learn and Barriers To Learning
- Learning style and their impact on training.
- How we can inexpensively measure learning style?
- Personality and its impact on training results.
- Can you overcome learning difficulties?
- Motivation factors in learning – what can we do differently?
Day 8: Specifying & Constructing Training Properly
- What are learning outcome objectives and why do we need them?
- How to write learning outcome objectives.
- How to calculate room size needed and screen size.
- Sound and it's part in aiding learning.
- The benefit of using specific training videos.
Day 9: Training Analysis - The Key Areas of Measurement
- Budget spent and the monitoring of costs.
- Creating value from training –examples.
- Understanding fully how competency frameworks work.
- Competence + performance = productivity.
- Software needed to measure competence and performance.
Day 10: Measuring & Reporting Training Results
- The new leadership role of training.
- Dealing with uncertainty during training.
- Case studies showing training success.
- Should training functions be profit centres?
- What is the role of end of course questionnaires?
PLACE: Istanbul (TURKEY)
VENUE (TBC): LEVNI HOTEL (Ankara Cad. No: 12 Sirkeci, Istanbul, TURKEY)