- Analyse how Training & Development contribution to business performance
- Reposition Training & Development by adopting a measured approach
- Examine administration systems and techniques
- Develop a profile for the Training Coordinator role
- Apply a new 4 quadrant analysis model for individual performance issues
- Be able to apply the 10 steps in the training cycle
- Consider action planning for your return to work including training requirements
The programme will be delivered in an interactive style, using group discussions, and programme material, encouraging active participation, exercises, real life case studies and questionnaires. There will also be the opportunity to discuss individual issues on a one to one basis with the Programme Leader if necessary.
Day 1: Designing Training & Development to support Business Needs
- Introduction, programmes objectives and ways of working.
- Change in organisations, including case studies.
- Positioning Training & Development to ensure delivering strategic success.
- Aligning Training & Development activities to the business needs.
- Training & Development activities and organisational success including case studies.
Day 2: Clarifying/developing the role of a Training Coordinator
- The skills and attributes of a Training Coordinator – exercise.
- How do people learn? When making training decisions – exercise.
- Accounting for individuals’ learning styles - questionnaire and exercise.
- Resources planning - medium and long term requirements.
- Managing change - managing your own training and development needs.
Day 3: Training Needs Analysis (Corporate vs. Individual needs)
- The relationship between T & D and company performance.
- At the Corporate level – including case study.
- Departmental and section training needs.
- Team development including Planning (TDP).
- Personal Development Plans, manpower/ talent management.
Day 4: Examination of Validation and Evaluation Techniques
- Delivering effective structured programmes.
- Application of the 10 step training model using a case study.
- The use of Validation Techniques and Methodologies.
- How to construct an Evaluation Survey and using learning.
- How to present results to best effect - evaluation in action.
Day 5: Budgets and back to work planning
- Understand the Training and Development budget planning process.
- Generating Individual action plans.
- Agreeing priorities.
- Case Study
- Review and programme recap.
Language: English.
Place: London – UK.
Venue (TBC): Radisson Edwardian Sussex Hotel (Address: 19-25 Granville Place, Marylebone, London W1H 6PA – UK).